Talent training is at the core of education, and also the key to national development and increased international competitiveness. CSMU’s sprout project aims at training and equipping students with the key competencies for the new generation.
The High education sprout project contains 4 ways: realizing innovative teaching and enhancing teaching quality, develop school characteristics, improve the publicity of higher education and fulfill social responsibility.

(1)Realizing Innovative Teaching and Enhancing Teaching Quality
I. Cultivating Students’ Basic Capability
1. Enhancing Information Literacy
Through the general programming language courses, the students can be trained for integrated interdisciplinary information competency. In doing so, their programming skills as well as their interests in a learning programming language can be enhanced.

2. Integrating Medical Core Competency Courses
By integrating and organizing teachers, core course instructions and resources, establishing feedback and quality assurance system, and launching teacher workshops, students’ learning effectiveness for basic science and medicine can be improved.

3. Strengthening Chinese Reading and Writing Skills
Students can participate in a variety of activities such as workshops and writing contests to enhance their reading and writing skills as well as motivate their creative writing capabilities.

II. Creating an Interdisciplinary Learning Environment
1. The “innovation, creation and entrepreneurship competition” and the opening of innovative management courses can inspire students to reach their potential, fostering their abilities to realize their creativity, develop innovative business, as well as to elevate teamwork and enhance their ability in acquiring resources.
2. The interdisciplinary programs can bring the curriculum integration that combines workplace-oriented knowledge and features of the departments. The network with school, industry, and field can be expanded, linking to students’ learning and working experiences and eventually helping students improve their interdisciplinary skills.

III. Realizing Innovative Teaching
During the past few years, CSMU encouraged our teachers to provide their courses in a creative way. Currently, we have several courses using "learning-thinking-expression (share start)", "PIGS (Problem Inquiry Group Solution)", "flipped teaching", "Design Thinking "and "MOOCs". Students who participated in these courses were satisfactory and had a good performance.

(2) Develop school characteristics
This program adopts a database-driven model from the macro level and uses Google Map API and AJAX technology to develop a platform with global cancer data. The basic cancer mortality and incidence data were extracted taken from the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) database. It contains data of more than 20 types of cancer including the bladder, brain..., collected over a period of 64 years, i.e., from 1950 to 2013. The IARC contains data from WHO countries, which will be used for developing this platform. Taiwan’s cancer incidence data will be incorporated into this platform for international comparison. The platform developed by this research can provide collaboration capabilities and can be updated by cancer researchers all over the world. Currently, the data have been established for 27 countries, and mortality rates can be compared visually. At the micro-level, health protection is carried out through respiratory protection, which is a comprehensive check to achieve the importance of selecting and wearing respiratory protective equipment, and to protect oneself from exposure to environmental pathogens.

(3) Improve the publicity of higher education
I. To effectively help socially vulnerable students, we created the "Flying Eagle Project" to allow them to submit projects helping themselves in their way. The "Reassuring and great classroom" was built to prevent students from falling behind in the class because of too many part-time jobs for a living. And the "Scaffolding Student Companion Program" aimed to encourage socially vulnerable students to find a merit classmate as a partner to study together. In this way, they both can improve academic performance.

II. Build multi-faceted analysis BI (business intelligence) reports to help Institutional Research and management decision-making units.
III. BI reports can be combined with RWD (Responsive Webpage System), which can browse the school’s public information and reports on various size mobile devices, greatly increasing the visual effect of school information and improving the higher education publicity.
IV. Continuously provided the analysis information for Institutional Research and related units of the school to be performance indicators every year.

(4) Fulfill social responsibility
I. Develop the professionalization in student recruitment
We integrate the goals and features of talent cultivation within the universities/colleges/departments, continue to communicate with high schools, enhance the understanding of the New Curriculum Guidelines and learning E-Portfolio, as well as stipulate and develop the evaluation rubrics. To inspect the appropriateness of the rubrics usage and to revise the evaluation standards, activities in all aspects are performed, including: workshops, consultation meetings, simulative evaluation and experience sharing, etc.

II. Construction of the center for the elderly health awareness and sports training center
The purpose of this program is to provide 12 cognitive and sports training services to prevent and delay disability, promote aging, reduce the disability, and dementia of the vitality of the elderly. With 12 times community services to verify the effects of cognitive and exercise programs. In addition, the students who went to the community together would have practical opportunities and broaden their knowledge.

III. Counseling the industry in the Central District, permanent workplace safety.
Through the workplace hazards prevention seminar, the workers of occupational safety and health would have a deep understanding of related risks in the workplace and how to prevent occupational safety and health hazards and practical practices.

IV. Early intervention in oral health promotion and oral function improvement for the elderly.
Through clinical clerkship, students can contact with home dental care early, and be familiar with how to help bed-ridden patients to do good in oral health care. In view of the cognition and dementia of the elderly, our school has developed a home dental treatment to patients with mobility problems. There is a significant correlation between cognitive function and oral masticatory function. Through the way of home dental care, dentists can enter the community's homes or long-term licensed institutions to screen for masticatory, swallowing, and oral dysfunction, and cooperate with the family medicine department, nutrition department and rehabilitation department of the affiliated hospital of our university to introduce the elderly with aging and low masticatory function by means of interdisciplinary cooperation. Further examination, diagnosis, functional rehabilitation, and nutrition consultation were carried out to prevent dementia and delay aging.

V. Develop the innovative value chain of vision care products
Enhance research and development in ocular health promotion through collaborative work with researchers from various departments and with companies in this field. In addition to the development of novel ingredients, popular science for eye health promotion is provided to equip people with the knowledge so that the importance of eye health would be recognized and appropriate actions have endeavored.
For the research and development, multiple collaborative research projects with public sectors or private companies have been completed or currently been in substantial progress. Some products have been developed and on market and some patent applications have been on file, concurrent with journal article publications. A Facebook group is established in the public domain and regular popular science notes are posted to attract attention from the audience. A popular science manual for eye health promotion is issued for convenient reading of young students and elders.