Summary of key highlights (2023-2024)
Since constructing an environment of excellence, quality, and interdisciplinary learning has been the long-term vision of Tatung University, the ongoing planning and development project has expanded as the Tatung University 2031+ Project. This project focuses on establishing a dynamic learning ecosystem, developing six major industry clusters, and fulfilling the university's social responsibility. TTU aims to create an interdisciplinary learning environment that foster students’ ability to address social issues, understanding local engagement, and develop global awareness and social responsibility. These characteristics guide students to be social innovators capable of integrating hands-on experience and problem-solving skills across disciplines. The President Ming-Guo Her received the "3rd Outstanding Principal Award" from the Republic of China Private School Education Association in 2023. Later, Tatung University was ranked "Top 30 Comprehensive Universities" by Global Views Monthly. The key achievements and highlights of this project are as follows:
1. Teaching Innovation and Improvement:
In terms of curriculum, the university emphasizes on interdisciplinary, starting with the first-year required course "Social Design," and bridging it with six major industry clusters to shape an innovative learning ecosystem. This has been recognized as a best practice by the Ministry of Education. In terms of teaching, university lecturers are encouraged to innovate in both teaching and research, with continuous efforts to promote diverse and creative courses. In terms of faculty structure, microcredentials courses and college-based credit programs have been introduced. In terms of international collaboration, international workshops, exchanging project, dual degree programs, and TEEP project are carried out to enhance students’ competitiveness and bridging the gap to the job market. strengthening cross-national cooperation, and improve students’ future prospects. In terms of quality assurance, conducting institutional research is essential to ensure teaching quality and learning outcomes through feedback.
2. Industry Collaboration:
The six major industry clusters have developed based on the university's research and design strengths, aiming to create a seamless connection with industry. This initiative has been recognized as a best practice by the Ministry of Education. TTU strengthens alumni cooperation in entrepreneurship, ensuring both theoretical and practical knowledge acquisition to enhance students' employability. TTU strengthens alumni cooperation in entrepreneurship and encourages students to participate in interdisciplinary competitions to gain hands-on experience. The university also improves its facilities to support this effort.
3. Strengthening the public role of higher education:
To ensure social equality by cooperating with alumni donors to establish funding for disadvantaged students, offering scholarships, financial subsidies and an alternative admission pathway. In addition to lowering the student-teacher ratio and optimizing faculty structure, a reward system has implemented to retain outstanding teachers. The university places greater emphasis on fulfilling its higher education responsibility by conducting institutional research and ensuring the transparency in administration and finances.
4.To fulfil the university’s social responsibility:
Tatung University’s mission of “fostering talents, local awareness and internationalization”, embodies the core values of “people-centered”, “being a friendly neighbor” and “make friends around the world”. The USR project in the local context focuses on energy saving and environmental sustainability, integrating these principles and Agricultural 4.0 techniques into our curriculum. We are bridging The 108 Curriculum to secondary education by introducing clean energy modules to elective courses for partner high schools. The USR project in the international context addresses the issue of migrant workers. Resources such as cultural workshops and learning programs were designed to support them, which also enhance students’ social participation. TTU students benefit from internship in Yokote City ,Japan, working together with primary school students from Ireland to make picture books, engaging in cross-cultural reciprocity activities.