National Taipei University Project Highlights
Project Highlights 2024

Summary and Highlights of Project Accomplishments: 2023-2024 Grant Period

Dimension 1: 1. In the 2022/23 academic year, NTPU ranked third (6.6%)/sixth (5.4%) among public universities for the proportion of bachelor’s degree graduates completing double/minor majors, according to the 2023 MOE report on tertiary education affairs. 2. Annual funding for digital book resources has surged by 53% since 2022, averaging 33 million NT dollars between 2023 and 2024. 3. Since the 2021/22 academic year, NTPU has leveraged MOE BEST program grants (6 million and 7.2 million NT dollars in the 2022/23 and 2023/24 academic years, respectively) in conjunction with the Higher Education SPROUT Project to bolster bilingual education. This has involved enhancing EMI teacher training, expanding English and EMI course offerings for students, and incentivizing English proficiency tests and EMI course completion through awards. 4. The number of EMI teachers and courses has increased significantly, reaching 130 and 342 in 2024, respectively. This represents an 83% and 50% increase from 2022. By enhancing incentives for EMI course enrollment and foreign language proficiency certification, NTPU achieved a 35% increase from 2022 in EMI course participation among second-year daytime bachelor’s students in 2024, reaching 54%. First-year master’s students in the daytime program also saw a substantial 41.67% increase in EMI course participation compared to 2022, reaching a record high of 51%. 5. Subsidies for international academic salons and teacher exchange visiting programs have been augmented. In 2024, the number of international collaborative publications reached 77, a 17% increase from the previous year.

Dimension 2: 1. NTPU's university-level Office of Sustainability has consolidated resources to cultivate one Seed Project, two Germination Projects, and one Sprout Research Project. These endeavors facilitate partnerships with local governments and the delivery of community services. Between 2022 and 2024, participation from faculty and students surged by 362.4%. Moreover, the university forged 67 regional collaborations from 2023 to 2024, fostering interdisciplinary knowledge sharing and resource integration. NTPU's commitment and leadership to sustainable development has been recognized with prestigious accolades: the Gold Level of the Corporate Sustainability Report Awards in 2023 and the "Sustainable University Award," "Sustainability Education Leadership Award," and "Sustainability Report Platinum Level" in the 2024 TCSA Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Awards.

Dimension 3: 1. The university has established an incentive mechanism and subsidy program to encourage faculty participation in innovative technology and invention exhibitions. From 2023 to 2024, NTPU faculty members clinched three innovation awards, including silver medals at the iENA in Nuremberg, Germany. 2. In 2023, NTPU introduced a pioneering student research assistant subsidy program to elevate the efficiency and quality of faculty research projects and boost industry-academia collaborations. 3. NTPU prioritizes practical training, innovation, and entrepreneurship education. By organizing workplace empowerment workshops, the university empowers students to enhance their competitiveness. Additionally, rigorous evaluation and assessment of practicum results are implemented. Between 2023 and 2024, 76 professional practicum courses were offered, attracting over 1,080 participants in off-campus internships.

Dimension 4: 1. By refining the student enrollment and admission process and aligning with public education goals, NTPU has implemented a comprehensive student support system. Through external fundraising, the university's infusion in student aid programs surged by 61.07% in 2024 compared to 2022, providing substantial financial assistance and strengthening student counseling services. 2. To foster lifelong learning, NTPU has enhanced academic flexibility for students enrolled in Extension Education Center degree programs and introduced new credit programs and in-service programs. 3. By establishing a robust school administration system and comprehensive IR database, NTPU leverages data-driven insights to optimize operations. This approach has contributed to a stable attendance rate exceeding 96% in daytime bachelor's degree programs, the development of a comprehensive school affairs IR information platform with valid data.

Special Section--International Administrative Support System: 1. NTPU established first-tier university-level and college-level promotion committees to bolster internationalization efforts. The university has comprehensively enhanced its internationalization platform and administrative efficiency by inviting industry, government, and academia experts. Key initiatives include advancing website bilingualization, fostering international collaborations, promoting overseas dual-degree programs, facilitating cross-institutional research, and organizing 51 cross-disciplinary global lectures with 2,083 attendees. 2. NTPU has strengthened support for international students by empowering faculty and staff to organize 144 activities, engaging 447 international students. 3. NTPU has prioritized the recruitment of international faculty from diverse countries and revised the distinguished professor endowment system to enhance its global competitiveness. Comprehensive support services are provided to facilitate the integration and professional development of international teaching and research personnel. 4. Through IR research, NTPU has analyzed the current state of its internationalization administrative system. This involved collecting 132 semi-structured questionnaires and conducting 16 in-depth interviews to gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of the university's internationalization initiatives.