National Tsing Hua University Project Highlights
Project Highlights 2022

NTHU Team Wins Championship at SCC

A student team from the Department of Computer Science at National Tsing Hua University (NTHU) inTaiwan has recently won the championship at the World Supercomputer Student Cluster Competition(SCC) held in Dallas, USA. This was the fifth championship won by an NTHU team at the two largestsupercomputer competitions in recent years.

The team’s advisor was Professor Jerry Chou (周志遠) of the Department of Computer Science. Thesix team members were Department of Computer Science seniors Mou Chan-yu (牟展佑), Chang Fu-chiang (張富強), and Ting Hsu-tzu (丁緒慈), and Department of Computer Science juniors Huang En-ming (黃恩明), Kuo Pin-yi (郭品毅), and Wu Pang-ning (吳邦寧). The team’s coach was Tsai Kuo-Guang (蔡闊光), a graduate student from the Department of Computer Science with rich experience incomputer competitions.

The SCC gives college students a chance to test their skills in three areas: the integration of softwareand hardware, program performance, and cross-disciplinary knowledge. Since the competition lastsfor 56 hours without interruption, it also poses a significant challenge to the participants' stamina andability to work under stress. When the results were announced, Chou and his team broke out into arobust cheer.

Chou said that he has been leading the team for ten years, and that this year they ran into a lot ofmishaps. The team captain, Mou Chan-yu, broke his leg in a traffic accident a week before thecompetition, and almost had to drop out. What’s more, a few hours before the competition began,they discovered that some of their computer equipment got damaged during shipment, but theymanaged to overcome the problem by adjusting the computer configuration and their competitionstrategy. In the end, the team rose to the occasion, and came through with flying colors.

While undergoing an operation, team captain Mou had to temporarily hand over the job of buildingthe system to Kuo Pin-yi. Fortunately, the doctor gave him the go-ahead to participate in thecompetition with the aid of a wheelchair. Despite considerable pain, he managed to lead the team inevery way during the 3-day competition, including their efforts to find the solution to the MysteryApplication.

The areas tested in this year’s competition were material fracture analysis, fluid dynamics simulation,and earthquake dynamics, all of which require a strong knowledge of these various fields. Ting Hsu-tzu was in charge of the fluid dynamics simulation, and she spent a lot of time familiarizing herselfwith scholarship in the field while preparing for the competition. Chang Fu-chiang and Huang En-ming shouldered the heavy responsibility of coordinating the team and verifying the results.
Chou thanked the National Center for High-performance Computing for providing funding andtraining, and Quanta Cloud Technology for contributing essential equipment and travel expensesover the past ten years. The team also thanked NTHU for providing space, equipment, and, mostimportantly, an interdisciplinary learning environment.

The NTHU team previously won the SCC in 2010 and 2011, and also won the Student SupercomputerChallenge in 2019 and 2021.