Highlights of University of Taipei Higher Education
SPROUT Project
v Broaden the depth
and width of students’ self-directed, cross-field learning v
We have established “Push-Pull,” a synchronous self-learning and assistance push notification student mobile app , and the Online Self-directed Learning System “tms+” in the first phase of the SPROUT project. The above systems successfully facilitated cross-field learning and assistance through the “i-voting” self-directed mechanism and official/unofficial self-directed courses.
In promoting self-directed, cross-field learning courses, 320 self-directed learning courses were offered during the academic year 2018 to 2022, with 24,747 students enrolling in the c
ourses. In terms of micro lectures, 66 self-directed physical and online micro-lectures were offered in the academic year 2019 Spring to 2022 Fall. The result has demonstrated our success in self-cultivating soft power across various fields. Also, since the initiation of self-chosen credits/flexible elective course reform, there has been significant progress in students’ learning autonomy and freedom.
From 2018 to 2022, to further cater to students’ learning requirements, 167 groups of students’ self-directed learning buddies were matched; 21 Chinese and English composition writing groups were supported; 494 minority students received studying/career capability guidance. With one-to-one/one-to-many adaptive after-class guidance, students obtained timely and practical learning guidance to improve learning results. 47 groups with 286 participating students were subsidized, with 11 groups rewarded for their fruitful achievements. The learning atmosphere on campus has been substantially evoked through peer learning and teamwork, in which students’ competence in learning, creativity, practicality, and social concern were developed.

v Intercollegiate Chinese and English Online Writing
Workshop v
Chinese and English Online Writing Workshop has
been facilitated through tms+ in SPROUT since 2020. The main focus is
on stimulating students’ critical thinking through everyday experiences. The
workshop project includes peer reviews, writing assessments, online forums, and
reward mechanisms. With the abovementioned systems, on-campus and
intercollegiate self-directed reading and writing habits were developed. A
total of 1,907 students- 315 from the other 62 universities, including NTU,
NCCU, NTNU, NCKU, and NYCU- participated from 2020 to 2022. In the workshop, 5,260
Chinese and English compositions were created, and 6 outstanding composition collections
with 362 articles were published; the workshop has helped to increase students’
abilities in fundamental language thinking, expressing, reading, and peer
v Education, P.E., and Urban Talents Training v
Impressive results have been shown in the following fields: Teacher Education Model, Sports Gold Medalists Cultivation, and Urban Specialty Innovation. In the Teacher Qualification Assessment, which success rate among new graduates, we have achieved 10-20% higher than national statistics. From 2018 to 2022, our student-athletes earned a spectacular result as they won 319 gold medals in national and international main sports competitions, with 1 gold and 1 silver medal gotten in Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games Badminton. In Urban Specialty Innovation, we have been actively cultivating talents in urban creative culture, international performance as well as sustainable urban development; related events include @D School, 2020 Let’s Go Beethoven!, joint intramural creativity presentations, and the project of Across Boundary Governance of Yilan and Longtan by College of City Management. The talents cultivation in the abovementioned three main domains has delivered impressive results as students’ creativity, diversified thinking, and multidisciplinary integration abilities are enhanced.
v Practices of Sustainable development of USR v
In the SPROUT, with establishing the USR support system, incubation, and
sustainability promotion, 16 USR teacher communities and 15 student self-directed
learning communities were formed from 2018 to 2022. In addition, 26 cross-field
practical self-directed micro lectures were provided; 3 social practice courses-
based on PBL, focusing on social issues and industry development trends- were
conducted; 21 student self-directed practical learning projects were supported.
We increased and deepened the capacity of teachers/students to participate in
social practices with the outcome mentioned above.
In the SPROUT, with establishing the USR support system, incubation, and sustainability promotion, 16 USR teacher communities and 15 student self-directed learning communities were formed from 2018 to 2022. In addition, 26 cross-field practical self-directed micro lectures were provided; 3 social practice courses- based on PBL, focusing on social issues and industry development trends- were conducted; 21 student self-directed practical learning projects were supported. We increased and deepened the capacity of teachers/students to participate in social practices with the outcome mentioned above.