Soochow University Project Highlights
Project Highlights 2022

2022 Soochow University Higher Education SPROUT Project Annual Report


Soochow University Higher Education SPROT Project is divided into two stages. In the first stage, spanning from 2018 to 2019, university features are established, including training professionals with versatile (“Pi-shaped”) skills, and formulating a student-centered learning strategy that covers five facets: interdisciplinarity, innovation, critical thinking, mobility, and enthusiasm. By incorporating a “flipped classroom” model to stimulate thoughts and an IR approach to explore and solve problems, this project sets out to equip students with hands-on skills and a heightened social awareness. In the second stage (2020-2022), the core objective of this project shifts to the public value of education, embodied by inventive teaching ideas and optimal learning outcomes and guided by an institutional development plan that features three intersecting approaches—holistic, all-seeing, global. In the meantime, another driving force that facilitates multi-faceted plans is the idea of  university social responsibility as well as a sustainable campus (following the SDGs formulated by U.N.). These fruitful outcomes of Higher Education SPROUT, institutional research, social responsibility, and sustainability are exhibited in the “Soochow University ∞ Infinity Presentation.” (


With the sustained effort over the past five years, Soochow University is pleased to celebrate the following achievements: teaching innovations, including optimized digital technology, problem-oriented approach, all-English class instruction, and diverse interdisciplinary courses; social responsibility, including hands-on training, enthusiastic participation in neighboring communities that discovers problems, devises solutions, and contributes to placemaking; industry cooperation, including various subsidies that facilitate industry collaboration research and the publication of papers in international journals, along with diverse plans for career empowerment and planning; and finally, higher education accessibility, including comprehensive counseling programs to help economically and culturally disadvantaged students improve their academic performance and career prospects. These achievements are outlined below: