109 Outcomes of Higher Education Sprout Project
I The Development of School Characteristics: A University with Exquisite Natural Beauty and Innovative Traditional Academy System in Nature
1. Autonomous Learning: Establish the Tailor-made learning system, Learning clinic system, and Cellular course modules.
2. Mentorship – Promote Learning Activities in the Traditional Academy System: Promote mentorship of the traditional academy system. Take care of the students with financial problems. Promote “Work Study” system of campus maintenance and operations. Provide the character scholarship of enlightenment education. Encourage students to submit the proposal in terms of the public affairs of school. Improve the quality of the dormitory and life function. Encourage students to participate in the study group.
3. Baigong School: Establish 10 thematic workshops and furnish the space.
4. Artistic Village: Complete the planning of the space and establish 3 individual creative space and 1 exhibition space of the art work.
II Teaching Innovation: Modularize University-Wide Curriculum and Integrate interdisciplinary courses.
1. Promote Colleges as Core Teaching Units:
The department-level curriculum committees have been dissolved. Instead, the college-level curriculum committees take charge of the arrangement of the courses and teachers, and integrate all the teaching resources. Moreover, our school has implemented the system of the Degree Authorization by the College.
2. Value the Interdisciplinary Learning:
Promote project-based learning. Integrate the general education courses and professional courses. Encourage teachers to conduct the action research on “Interdisciplinary Highlights curriculum.”
3. Foster Innovative practice-based Learning:
Integrate available space to increase efficiency. Establish university-wide co-working space. Offer practicum courses. Promote talent cultivation project for innovative collaborative learning. Encourage students to form a learning team and propose innovative co-learning plan. The learning team are responsible for the thematic workshops in Baigong School or Artistic Village. They help to run and maintain Baigon School or Artistic Village.
4. Strengthen Students’ IT and Language ability
Promote course streaming. Increase Chinese and English courses to 10 credits each. Offer English and Chinese Progressive scholarship.
III International Learning: Promote Students’ Global Mobility
1. Encourage students’ participation in Joint Dual-Degree programs, Student Exchange Programs, Oversea Practicum, and Study Tour:
Offer professional and intensive language courses overseas. Improve students’ foreign language proficiency. Increase students’ participation in oversea practicum and exchange learning. Persistently promote Joint Dual-Degree programs, student exchange programs, and practicum scholarship. Over 40% students in our school have the experience of international learning before graduation.
2. Develop teachers’ international teaching ability:
Encourage teachers to teach short-term courses in partner universities. Encourage exceptional professors from partner universities to teach in our school and co-teach with our teachers to improve teachers’ international teaching ability.

IV Provide Financial Aids for Students in Need:
Provide scholarship to help students with financial problems. Help students to keep balance between their learning and living in order to graduate successfully and gain a satisfactory career in the future.

V Regional Revitalization: University Social Responsibility:
Establish two bases in Shiding for regional revitalization. Offer empowerment courses to revitalize the region. Develop teacher professional learning community for regional revitalization to promote industry innovation. Work with 6 universities to form Wen-Shan alliance for regional innovation.